Sunday, August 14, 2005

Mostly French Tourists, Maybe Some Vines

When the first truckers rolled across our great nation in 1776, they wouldn’t stop for anything. You name it-- bison, natives, trees, relatives, Wall Drug—nearly every single item believed to be acknowledged at that time found its unfortunate demise under the 18 blood-thirsty rolling rubber smash contraptions of these inventory-laden squish bringers.

Now, here we are in 1999—nearly 200 years later-- and a major motion picture studio is shelling out almost $325 for a Hollywood-ized version of these American® heroes' long-unheard story. And who, you may ask, should play the pivotal role of Stanley Jordanson, the trucking pioneer who started the first trucking union in 1798? You guessed it: the announcer of TVs Almost Anything Goes, Sam Riddle.

Kendra Smith “Maggots” (buy)

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