Saturday, September 24, 2005

Like When They Do The 'Ooh-Oohs'

I took a quick break in order to rub and rub at the brown spot with an old rag, some mushed-up banana and a little bit of spit for 25 seconds or so (or maybe it was 25 minutes—I always confuse the two) and it seemed like nothing was happening. The smell wouldn’t go away, and every time I would succomb to my natural impulse to cover my mouth to try and filter it out, I would naturally gag and/or vomit since my hands were covered with the stuff. Plus, my eyes were burning like someone had poured 8 ounces of Maui Joe’s Analyze This – XXX Garlic Pepper Hot Sauce directly into each.

In spite of all this, I still managed to roll a motherfucking Yahtzee!

Kunt “Captain Ace and the Fucking Fantastics” (info)

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